Beautiful Blackbird
Bibliography: Bryan, Ashley. Beautiful Blackbird . New York: Atheneum, 2003. ISBN: 0689847319 Plot Summary: Long ago, all the birds of Africa were adorned with single, solid colors, without any black markings at all. Only Blackbird had it all, and his feathers reflected the colors of the sun. Ringdove gathered all the birds by the lake in the forest for a festival, and he called out to the other birds, “Coo-coo-roo, coo-ca-roo, I’ve a question to ask of you. Who of all is the most beautiful?” All the birds agreed and began to sing and dance, celebrating Blackbird’s beauty with the refrain, “Black is beautiful, uh-huh!” Ringdove begged Blackbird to share his beauty and gift him with black markings, so Blackbird made a blackening brew in his medicine gourd, and using a feather brush, gave Ringdove a ring around his neck to match his name. All the other birds sang, “Ringdove’s black is beautiful, Beak to beak, peck, peck, peck, He’s just like Blackbird Around the neck.” All the ...